Saturday, April 30, 2016

I heard they suck live (pt. 1)

NOFX at the Irving Plaza April 2016

A couple of months ago I went to see, by coincidence, a Florida Death Metal combo headlined by Cannibal Corpse at the Irving Plaza, which turnedout to be an amazing show with Obituary, Cryptopsy and Abysmal Dawn, such a great show at my first concert ever in the United States territory. Back in the concert, there were some upcoming shows announced on the screen where you could see the NOFX Bathtub Hepatitis show in NYC Sold Out from who knows when, it was already sold out, no more tickets online or anywhere, and that sucked, so I really never thought I was going to go to that show at all, but, since i suffer of some weird kind of antisocial behaviour in which I need to be outside and to go places by myself, probably meaaning that I am very unpopular, or maybe I think that I am unique like evseryone else and I am a one man Army destined to do whatever the fuck I want with noone's approval.
So the day of the show came and I was planning to go to the city for a few beers, maybe try to meet some girl or hookup with someone, because, If I haven't mentioned it before, I haven't got a girlfriend in years and haven't got laid in a couple more, because, there is something wrong with me that makes me think that having a girlfriend is a luxury and not a need, So, instead of going to the movies to see The Jungle Book with my cousin, I went to the city from Long Island, in a train ful of Mets fans (which i heard made history that very same day) and ended up in NYC again. I have visited the cty so many times that I do not longer see the buildings, before, I used to visit museums, now I only visit bars and concert venues. So anyways, I made a deposit of y paycheck and It showed me this huge bummer message saying the check was going to be on hold for one day, meaning I had no reserve money at all to go to the city, but there I was, on my way, So, I finnally got to the city, walked for a while, heard this russian girl talking on the phone next to me her aamazing lenguage, And when I got to thte city I looked for the Irving Plaza, to continue with the very guatemalan tradition of drinking outside the venue when you can't get in, and of course I wasn't expeccting to get in.

At the very front door, this guy, offered me tickets, of course I've never heard of fake tickets on a punk rock show, but I guess this guys don't givee aa shit and will scam anyone, so me, I kind saw it ccoming but still took my chance, the guy wanted $60 for the ticket, but I was only able to give him $50, including aa lot of change, so yes, that was my last money at all, and I was still hoping my paycheck got placed out of hold for any emergency, unfortunately that never happened and unfortunately the ticket was  counterfeit very chafa looking piece of carboard, that I fell for just to try my luck because by beaing there, I wanted to see NOFX, it's a band that i have liked since I was a teenager, I am 30 now, and it's one of those legendary acts that I couldn't miss, but If I did, well, I wouldn't have minded either.
Anyways, this guy followed me to the Wells Fargo bank where I took my money out of the ATM and asked me If I wanted the ticcket nd of course I bought it, just to find one minute laater at the door of the irving that was a fake ticket and got it ripped in front of my face, even when I knew that they all knew that people sell fake tickets outside and they don't do shit about it.

So anyways, feeling like and idiot I went looking for the guy, of course he left already, and now, I was probably not going to see the band, probably until next year. Meh.

Outside the venue there was a bunch of other guys who have been ripped off the same way, some of them bought on craiglist and most of them were latinos too, one from Panama, a married couple of mexicans from San Antonio. So I stood with them for a while and then found them at a bar, they were really positive about getting in, a lot of people were getting in somehow, including a girl that was outside the show with a cardboard with the message "Let me into NOFX pls" and a guy with one that said "Let me the fuck in" which by the way at the end it worked out for both of them and maybe a few more that took over the cardboard sign after them.

Sometimes I think that there is something in me that makes me incredibly lucky, even in the worst situations, this very nice guys from Texas were at the bar and bought me some whiskey and a fireball, and not only that,, outside the show the guy lifted me like I wieghted nothing and put me over the barricade of the smoking section like if nothing happened I went into the show through the smoking section, carrying my stupid bag all the concert because I had no money to pay the bagcheck, but still I got to see NOFX for the first time in my life and it was worht it.I only found out also that I had years to learn Linoleum and just never did, and a bunch of other songs that I didn't know.

Well, I heard they suck live...

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